Today is the first day of Valentine’s week, and according to an unknown internet resource, should you hand over a rose to your loved one? Even ChatGPT couldn’t help me and assumed that this was a creation of the marketing departments in the flower and gift industry. Even though Valentine’s Day originated in the Middle Ages, commercialisation began in the 19th century in the USA by selling Valentine’s cards, roses and chocolate. But why should you show affection to your partner on a specific day?
Day of the Rose
I’m missing the real winter
It’s January, and the outside is brown and green. I still remember when everything was white and we could sledging and skiing in my area, not just for one day, but for weeks. We built our ski slopes at the small hill nearby and organised local races. Today, that’s unthinkable; you’re lucky if there’s a day of snow so that children can go sledging.
To take a French leave
The saying “To take a French leave” is used in various Countries. In Switzerland and parts of Germany we say “sich auf französisch verabschieden”. It describes the act to leave an event without saying goodbye. It’s said that the origin comes from the 18th century where it was common to leave a dinner or other event without bidding farewell to the host.
Nowaday it has a slightly negative touch. And not only the French are used for this behavior. In the north of Germany, people say goodbye in Polish and in the north in Dutch.

The weather went wild
It’s Saturday night, and the weather goes nuts. We had a cold day and snowfall during the night. Now it’s midnight and it starts raining. It was so great to see the white-covered landscape. It began to rain just in time for midnight, and the streets were turning into icerinks. Luckily, I didn’t have to drive and could stay in my cosy bed. Later this day it’s getting up to 8°.
Happy New Year – Bonne année – Maligayang Bagong Taon

Merry Christmas – Joyeux Noël – Maligayang Pasko

La Tradizione del Presepe in Italia
In Italia, il presepe è una delle tradizioni natalizie più amate e diffuse. Questa rappresentazione della Natività ha origini medievali, resa celebre da San Francesco d’Assisi nel 1223. Ogni famiglia allestisce un presepe con statuine raffiguranti la Sacra Famiglia, i pastori e i Re Magi, spesso accompagnate da scene di vita quotidiana. A Napoli, il presepe raggiunge la sua massima espressione artistica con le famose statuine di San Gregorio Armeno. Realizzato con cura e creatività, il presepe non solo decora le case italiane ma celebra il significato autentico del Natale, unendo fede, arte e tradizione familiare.