Is Polyglott a business model? (Part 2)

The trendy word Polyglott has also brought resourceful business people onto the scene. Getting fluent in 30 days or the easy way to learn a language are only two types of headlines on YouTube or other social media channels. Quickly learning a language is so tempting that many newcomers will fall for it and quit again, demotivated. Of course, it can be possible to learn a new language quickly, but let’s be honest, who has time and the possibility to spend 8 to 10 hours learning a day for three months or more? Very few of us. However, some resourceful businessmen have found a lucrative way to make money using the term polyglott. Don’t be foolish; take care of who you send your money to. There is also a free way to start your language career. Later is enough time to invest your money exactly how you need it to get the required support.

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Is Polyglott a business model? (Part 1)

First, it’s essential to know what a polyglot is. According to the Oxford Dictionary, a polyglot is a person «who knows and is able to use several languages.» There is no exact definition of how good one’s language skills must be. Learning one or two words is not enough, but it also doesn’t mean you have to be fluent in them. During the last few years, being a Polyglot has become very popular. Driven by the ever-improving technical possibilities and presumably also by the pandemic, learning languages became more and more exciting and more easily accessible. By the way, the word polyglot comes from the Greek word «polyglōttos». It combines the words poly (more) and glōtta (language), i.e. multilingual. But I don’t know why Polyglott became more popular than Multilingual. It probably sounds trendier.

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Joyeuses Pâques

Je vous souhaite à tous de joyeuses Pâques. Ne mangez pas trop de chocolat ou faites une promenade après.

J’espère que vous avez passé une belle journée. En Suisse, il y a beaucoup de personnes qui se rendent au Tessin en voiture et se retrouvent coincés dans un bouchon pendant plusieurs heures. Cette année c’est la même chose, mais il y a une grande différence: toutes ces personnes sont allées directement dans le mauvais temps. Au nord nous avons eu le meilleur temps avec du soleil. A la prochaine.

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Journée européenne de la glace artisanale

Le 24 mars, les amateurs de glace à travers l’Europe célèbrent la Journée européenne de la glace artisanale. Cette fête célèbre non seulement l’art de la fabrication de glaces, mais aussi les fabricants locaux qui créent des merveilles gustatives avec passion et créativité. Des classiques crémeux aux combinaisons de saveurs audacieuses, les glaciers artisanaux offrent une sélection variée pour tous les palais. Cette journée encourage à explorer l’artisanat culinaire et à savourer la qualité et le goût unique de la glace faite main. En plus des délices délicieux, cette journée contribue également à soutenir les économies locales et à promouvoir des pratiques de production durables. Alors célébrons ensemble l’art de la glace artisanale et laissons-nous séduire par les œuvres créatives qui naissent uniquement à partir d’ingrédients frais et d’amour. 🍨 #PlaisirGlace #Artisanat

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As Young As You Feel Day

You are as young as you feel is a common phrase to imply that age is not essential based on your birthday but on how you mentally or physically feel. Check your attitude and forget your actual birthday for a moment

By the way. Have you seen the film by the same name?

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Food waste for environmental protection?

Environmental activists throw (tinned) soups at works of art to protest against climate policy and prophesise the world’s end. What’s going on? In some parts of our world, people are starving from hunger and European activists are wasting food to protect the environment? I assume the cleansing agents used to remove the dirt are not necessarily environmentally friendly. And no, I still don’t believe this will be the last spring we will experience.

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Moon New Year 2024

Today’s the start of the moon New Year, the beginning of the year in some traditional Asian calendars. The Chinese New Year is celebrated yearly at the second new moon after the winter solstice. The celebration usually starts in the evening before with fish as a meal. In Chinese, the word for fish (Yu) sounds similar to the word for wealth. Just be careful, don’t eat the whole fish and use up the «wealth». Let’s welcome the year of the dragon.

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