Le Tour Eiffel

Qui ne connait pas le Tour Eiffel ? C’est l’un des objets les plus appréciés des touristes à Paris. Il est ouvert depuis l’année 1989 mais il n’été pas toujours si populaire.

À l’origine, l’exposition devait être annulée après l’exposition universelle et de violentes protestations ont eu lieu. Plus tard, la « valeur » a été reconnue. On le voit dans d’innombrables films lorsque l’action se déroule à Paris. Ce n’est qu’en 1964 qu’elle fut inscrite à l’inventaire des monuments historiques.

Aujourd’hui, la Tour Eiffel fait partie du paysage urbain de Paris et est mondialement connue.

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Are you learning until an advanced level?

Have you ever thought about learning until an advanced level? When yes, why? I can’t see a reason except it’s necessary to fulfil a requirement for a job application or similar. But for your daily conversation, an upper intermediate level is enough?

Using infrequent vocabulary is not helpful. The majority of people would have a problem understanding you. More useful is the usage of colloquial language. Before starting a language course for a level C1 or C2, think about your exact needs. Do you need it for daily conversation or in a medical or law environment? Focus on your needs rather than on a system with levels you never will use.

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Golden October

October is a fascinating month, and changes accompany this month. It’s getting colder and therefore the leaves are changing their colour. Spending time in nature is relaxing and associated with many discoveries if you only keep your eyes open. Keep your eyes open and remember to watch on the ground. When was the last time you tried to count the different amounts of mushrooms you can discover?

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La Journée internationale de la traduction (30.09.)

La Journée internationale de la traduction, observée chaque 30 septembre, célèbre la capacité à transcender les barrières linguistiques pour promouvoir la compréhension interculturelle.

Cette journée rend hommage aux traducteurs et interprètes, facilitant la communication entre langues et cultures. Elle souligne également la préservation de la diversité linguistique et culturelle. La Journée de la traduction sensibilise à cette profession cruciale et encourage les vocations. Elle met en avant son rôle dans la communication internationale, la coopération et la diplomatie.

De plus, elle souligne l’importance de la compréhension mutuelle entre peuples, favorisée par la traduction. C’est un pont entre les cultures, un instrument de paix et d’unité dans un monde interconnecté.

En somme, la Journée internationale de la traduction célèbre les traducteurs, promeut leur travail essentiel, et rappelle le rôle clé de la traduction dans la promotion de la diversité culturelle et de la compréhension internationale.

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International Space day (24.09.)

International Space Day, observed annually on the first Friday in May, celebrates our achievements in space exploration and underscores the vital role of space science and technology in our modern world.

This day commemorates historical milestones like the Moon landing while honouring the tireless efforts of scientists, engineers, and astronauts who have advanced our cosmic understanding. It also catalyzes inspiring future generations to pursue careers in STEM fields, with educational institutions, space agencies, and organizations hosting engaging events.

International Space Day highlights the global cooperation integral to space exploration, emphasizing that space transcends borders. It reminds us that collaboration on an international scale is essential for the future of space discovery.

In essence, International Space Day is a time to appreciate our cosmic accomplishments, motivate future scientists, and stress the significance of global teamwork to unlock the mysteries of the universe and push the boundaries of our knowledge.

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International Respect day (18.09.)

International Respect Day is a significant global observance that promotes the fundamental value of respect in our interconnected world. Held annually on the 18th of September, this day serves as a reminder of the importance of treating each other with dignity, empathy, and consideration.

In today’s diverse and multicultural society, fostering respect is essential to bridge cultural, social, and political divides. It encourages individuals to appreciate differences, whether in race, religion, gender, or background and to build harmonious relationships based on understanding and acceptance. International Respect Day also emphasizes the importance of respecting our planet, advocating for environmental sustainability, and acknowledging the delicate balance between human activities and nature.

International Respect Day stands as a beacon of hope and unity in a world often marked by conflict and intolerance. It calls for individuals, communities, and nations to unite, acknowledging that respect is the foundation upon which peace, cooperation, and progress can thrive. It’s a reminder that respect knows no borders and that we can create a more compassionate and interconnected global society by embracing this value.

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Helpful for language studies?

Those who are using Duolingo (or other Apps) know the system. The users can compete in various leagues with others about the first rank and possibly promotion to a higher level. But how effective is this system?

I have my doubts. The only advantage I see is the fact that the students use the app on a daily base. But it’s often just about scoring as many points as possible, and the rest of the (probably more helpful) exercises are neglected. Duolingo also uses the vicious circle to encourage users to buy «gems» to gain advantages.

My suggestion is simple: Get out of this system and don’t care about any level or placement in a ranking.

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