How to use Duolingo

Language Learning apps are not bad, but wasting your time there is easy. Why? This is primarily because of the gamification of learning. Duolingo offers a good base for starting to learn a language. It’s motivation to learn every day to keep your strike, and the longer you are online, the more you want to keep this strike. There are also leagues where you get promoted to a higher level. This easily leads to an addiction in the form of scoring as many points as possible and less meaningful learning of words and phrases. Repeating a wrong written word directly after a minute helps you get a perfect lesson in Duolingo, but it’s not helpful in making progress in your learning process.

My personal advice: Think about why you’re using Duolingo. Is it a game for you, or do you want to learn? If you’re going to learn, forget about remaining in the highest league or even achieve a podium finish. Keep your learning strike, which means you’re learning at least once a day for a minimum of time.

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The 2024 Paralympic Games (1)

Imagine the Olympic Games are taking place, and nobody is watching. That’s the impression I get when I’m watching the news. During the Olympic games, it was impossible to oversee the news coverage. And now? The Paralympics are taking place, and keeping up to date is more challenging.

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Les réactions aux épisodes de podcast ne sont pas souhaitées ?

J’adore écouter des podcasts et de temps en temps je veux partager mes expériences avec les créateurs. Récemment j’ai écouté un podcast avec le sujet de trouver des amies francophones.  Il y est mis en garde contre les hommes qui confondent ces forums de discussion et ces applications avec Tinder et qui cherchent à faire autrement. L’image classique « homme méchant » et « femme victime ». Bien sûr, cela se produit malheureusement. Mais l’inverse c’est le même problème, j’évite ce genre d’applications et de forums, car des femmes y cherchent régulièrement des contacts équivoques avec des images révélatrices.

J’ai donc voulu écrire un message à la créatrice pour lui faire part de mes expériences à ce sujet. Mais il n’y a pas une possibilité pour la contacter. On a la possibilité d’acheter un cours etc. Mais pour écrire un commentaire? C’est un échec. Probablement qu’elle n’est pas intéressée à avoir des contacts qui ne veulent pas abonner un cours. Heureusement, tout le monde n’est pas comme ça. La plupart sont heureux d’interagir et de partager leurs expériences.

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Is language learning toxic?

I’ve never thought about that until today. Language learning is such a peaceful hobby; why should hate be involved? I don’t know. Some people may get envious. But hate? YouTubers know this when they see their hate comments, for whatever reason. I’m using the Mondly app, among others, for learning Tagalog and got there my first fan.

I have a specific daily learning routine, and that’s why I often appear at the top of the Swiss user rankings. I don’t care about the ranking, but you can’t avoid seeing it because it’s always on the screen after a lesson. This morning, I discovered this lovely fellow. You have to work to have envious people.

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Cuisinier avec Bruno

Il ne prend pas beaucoup de temps pour préparer un délicieux snack ou déjeuner. Pas de temps pour cuisiner? C’est seulement un  faux prétexte. Ce plat avec des pâtes a besoin seulement de 10 minutes et il est très facile de préparer.  Pendant que les pâtes cuisent, coupez une tomate et le basilic. Juste avant que les pâtes ne soient prêtes, verser l’eau, ajouter les tomates et les herbes et assaisonner avec les épices. Et c’est tout.

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The 2024 Olympic Games (2)

The chase has started. Athletes are eager to compete for an Olympic medal, most of them having trained for months or even years in preparation. Associated with this is the status they get in their country besides lucrative sponsoring contracts. In some countries, they are never forgotten heroes and celebrated; in others, they get missed after a couple of weeks.

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The 2024 Olympic Games (1)

It was one of the most impressive opening ceremonies, resulting in a TV marathon. But I enjoyed watching this, even though some scenes were slightly controversial. There were also a few mistakes, like the Olympic flag being hung upside down or the South Korean team being presented as the «Republik of Korea (North Korea). Ok, the last mentioned shouldn’t have happened. Some religious people are also quite disturbed by the special and slightly provocative interpretation of the Last Supper.

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