Monatsarchive: Oktober 2021

Il bosco in autunno

L’autunno è un periodo meraviglioso dell’anno. Il colore della foresta cambia dal verde al giallo e presto si stanno diffondendo sempre più toni rossi. 

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Podcast «Le podcast fluidite»

Pour moi il n’était pas facile de trouver un podcast. Je devais trouver quelque chose qui corresponde à mon niveau. Mais après un certain temps de recherche et d’écoute de différents podcasts, j’ai trouvé avec «La podcast fluidité» qui me … Weiterlesen

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Podcast «English Across The Pond»

Update from May 8th, 2022: After 307 episodes, this podcast has ended. The episodes are still online and I still can recommend episodes 1 to 289. English Across The Pond» is a weekly podcast that has been online since 22. … Weiterlesen

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Les pronoms adverbiaux – en / y

On peut discuter si oui ou non l’apprentissage de la grammaire a du sens. Mais avec quelques connaissances, cela peut rendre la vie plus facile. Mais jusqu’à ce que cela se produise, c’est une route caillouteuse. En moment je me … Weiterlesen

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Learning with native / non native speakers

It’s a controversial topic. Is it beneficial to practise a second language with non-native speakers or counterproductive? I’d love to have more speaking opportunities with people from English speaking countries. Unfortunately, it’s not always possible and therefore, I don’t have … Weiterlesen

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Hobson’s choice

English expressions are always interesting. I like the explanation on Wikipedia «A Hobson’s choice is a free choice in which only one thing is actually offered. The term is often used to mean an illusion of choice. The most well … Weiterlesen

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L’autunno è arrivato

Anche l’autunno ha i suoi lati belli. Oltre alla pioggia e al vento, ne fa parte anche il cambiamento di colore della natura. Questo è sempre affascinato. Adoro spendere il tempo nelle nostre boschi.

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