Mysterious death of Hilda Murell

In 1984, Hilda Murrell was sexually assaulted, stabbed and left-back injured in a field, where she died of hypothermia. She was a former Anti-nuclear campaigner, writer as well es rose breeder. Shortly before her death, Hilda Murrell gave her consent to name a dark pink rose after her.

For many years the case remained unsolved. In 1990 the double killer David McKenzie confessed to the crime, but no charges could be brought due to a lack of evidence. Finally, in 2003, Andrew George was convicted and sentenced using new forensic methods.

So far, so good. But to this day, some people believe that there is a conspiracy behind it. A Labor MP has accused the British Secret Service of searching for records of a ship sunk in the Falklands War. Others blame activity in the anti-nuclear movement and the controversial construction of Sizewell B. There are rumours that she was involved during the Second World War in the top-secret work at Bletchley Park. Her nephew Robert Green, a former commander in Royal Navy Intelligence, believes not in the official statement in this case until today.

Is it indeed a mysterious death? When such a brutal act happens and becomes a cold case, it’s later always hard to believe such an ordinary explanation for such a horrific act.

Hilda Murrell, 1906 – 1984
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