Language lessons at school

Learning a language is something exciting and can open your mind. But why do some adults struggle with learning a language when they age? Most of us probably have the same experience and feel negative emotions when reflecting on school lessons. I won’t say that the classes in school are poor and often it is in the hand of the teacher. But mostly, they must follow a lesson plan and are limited in structuring the lessons.

I was unlucky and had a teacher who couldn’t motivate me to learn French. After three years, I was just glad that this torture was over and looking back, I have to admit that I wasn’t capable of expressing myself in French.

I’d like to know how the language lesson in school has changed in this day and age. Is it still the same with old-style course books? I don’t say everything is wrong with them, and I still use this kind of school book in an English course I take part in an evening class. But I learn more at home with private lessons and other resources focused on the authentic language used in our daily lives.

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