Schlagwort-Archive: listening

What the f… is going on

Advanced English learner knows the problem. Regular podcasts for learners are excellent, but they are getting by the time less demanding. In and of itself, this is not a problem. There are tons of podcasts with general news or topics … Weiterlesen

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Podcast «LevelUp English»

It’s not only an interesting podcast because of its variety of topics. The episodes are usually around 20 minutes long, making it easy to follow the whole episode at once. The clear pronunciation and the speaking speed make it easy … Weiterlesen

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How important is listening practice?

Who doesn’t know this situation: You’re trying to listen to a movie, but you have a problem understanding everything. What are you doing? Carry on or change the program? There is a great temptation to give up. But in my … Weiterlesen

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Podcast «Lukes English Podcast»

Luke’s English podcast is probably one of the well-known podcasts in the world. I hardly know anyone in the world of English podcast listeners who is not familiar with this podcast. An episode lasts about 75 minutes on average, and … Weiterlesen

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Podcast «Le podcast fluidite»

Pour moi il n’était pas facile de trouver un podcast. Je devais trouver quelque chose qui corresponde à mon niveau. Mais après un certain temps de recherche et d’écoute de différents podcasts, j’ai trouvé avec «La podcast fluidité» qui me … Weiterlesen

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Podcast «English Across The Pond»

Update from May 8th, 2022: After 307 episodes, this podcast has ended. The episodes are still online and I still can recommend episodes 1 to 289. English Across The Pond» is a weekly podcast that has been online since 22. … Weiterlesen

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