Schlagwort-Archive: speaking

How important is learning a dialect?

I don’t know why, but it’s such a remarkable phenomenon. Many English learners are trying to obtain a British (or American) accent. But why is this important for many students? I don’t know why I should waste my time learning … Weiterlesen

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Do you know the «Don’t say ….» videos?

Every language learner who uses online resources probably knows those YouTube videos, beginning with «Don’t say ….». Are those kinds of videos beneficial? In my opinion, not really. Instead, the opposite is the case. In most cases, using this kind … Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter English | Verschlagwortet mit , | Hinterlassen Sie einen Kommentar

How to learn the pronunciation.

The first step to learning English pronunciation (or any other language) is recognising that some sounds are different from those in your native language. The second phase is to practice saying the new sounds as often as possible. There are … Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter English | Verschlagwortet mit | Hinterlassen Sie einen Kommentar

What are the two aspects of learning spoken English?

Learning English is not only about learning grammar and vocabulary. There are two aspects that learners should focus on in order to improve their spoken English. The first aspect is pronunciation. Learners should pay attention to the rhythm, intonation, and … Weiterlesen

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Tandem – language exchanging app

The best way to learn a language is to practise it daily. But how if you don’t have a suitable language partner? I found «Tandem» and started to use this way to communicate. It could be beneficial, and I found … Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter English | Verschlagwortet mit , , , , | Hinterlassen Sie einen Kommentar

La motivation pour apprendre une langue

Qu’est-ce que la motivation pour apprendre une langue ? En avons-nous besoin pour la Profession ou juste pour le plaisir ? Quelque fois je pense que je sous fou avec mon besoin de parler différentes langues. Bien sûr, ce n’est … Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Français | Verschlagwortet mit , | Hinterlassen Sie einen Kommentar

Parliamo di tempo

Il tempo è sempre un topico interessante da parlare, e non solo per gli inglesi. Può essere nuvoloso o soleggiato, tutti hanno qualcosa di cui parlare e non c’è il rischio di prendere un argomento delicato. La politica o la … Weiterlesen

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