Schlagwort-Archive: sport
The 2024 Paralympic Games (1)
Imagine the Olympic Games are taking place, and nobody is watching. That’s the impression I get when I’m watching the news. During the Olympic games, it was impossible to oversee the news coverage. And now? The Paralympics are taking place, … Weiterlesen
Football World Cup Qatar
In a few weeks, the football world cup starts and the discussion and the criticism towards the organiser are getting more and more. In the country where Sharia is in force, not only homosexuals are actively persecuted. Raped women also … Weiterlesen
Boycott Qatar 2022
Paris and other cities in France decided to boycott to show the football world cup on big screens in public. I’m confident about this development. For a long time, the negative environmental effect and poor working conditions were nearly ignored … Weiterlesen
Coupe du monde de football
La Coupe du monde de football au Qatar commence en novembre. Avant même qu’elle ne commence, l’occasion fait polémique. La monarchie est accusée d’exploitation et de travail forcé. Le fait que ce pays ne reconnaisse pas le mouvement LGBTQ et … Weiterlesen
Hiking in the mountains
Propper shoes are one of the essential pieces of equipment when you start a hiking tour in the mountains. Under no circumstances is it advisable to go on a mountain tour with regular sneakers or casual shoes. But you don’t … Weiterlesen
Italia eliminata – incredibile!
Che sorpresa. L’Italia non andrà ai Mondiali di calcio quest’anno. Incredibile, per la seconda volta consecutiva. Un giorno nero per i tifosi. Il Corriere dello Sport scrive a caratteri cubitali: » Italia, un’altra disfatta: è di nuovo fuori dal Mondiale!» … Weiterlesen
The XXIV Olympic Winter Games are over
During 16 days, athletes from 92 countries competed against each other in 109 different disciplines. Unfortunately, the competitions take part without any spectators. But we can’t blame the Chinese political situation; the official reason was the Corona situation. Here is … Weiterlesen