Monatsarchive: Juni 2023

Incredible climate activism

For weeks, activists have been blocking the roads to force the government to become more active in connection with measures to reduce CO2 and protect the climate. The same activists travel to Bali or Mexico by plane and find this … Weiterlesen

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C’est le temps des cerises

C’est le temps des cerises Le printemps a beaucoup d’aspects positifs. Je suis convaincue que chacun connaît plusieurs choses qu’il aime. L’offre croissante de fruits locaux, désormais de saison, est très positive. Nous avons à nouveau de délicieuses fraises et … Weiterlesen

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International Bath Day

Welcome to International Bath Day, a time when people around the world come together to indulge in the blissful embrace of warm water and soothing aromas, channeling the spirit of the great inventor Archimedes. Inspired by his famous «Eureka!» moment … Weiterlesen

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National Chocolate Ice Cream Day

The Americans are well known for celebrating curious days. That I missed National Ketchup Day isn’t a big deal. Chocolate Ice Cream Day isn’t my first choice; therefore, I don’t have a reason to participate in this holiday. Please tell … Weiterlesen

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