Schlagwort-Archive: reading
Our global lingua franca
That’s the newest book I’m reading right now. I found this through an interview with the author on a podcast. I’ve just started reading, and I’m excited. Traditional and old-fashioned learning methods are widely criticised and their effectiveness is questioned. … Weiterlesen
Learning by reading
I know there is no correct way to learn a language. But reading is a promising approach to improving language skills. I recently followed an online discussion and noticed a behaviour I often recognize. Many less advanced learners try to … Weiterlesen
Aurores boréales dans le Nord vaudois: c’étaient des salades!
Quand j’ai lu ce gros titre, j’ai pensé que la phrase “c’étaient des salades!” est une expression familière. Mais après l’introduction j’ai commencé à comprendre qu’on doit prendre ça littéral. Une lectrice de 20min a vu les nuages rosé et … Weiterlesen
Read a book day
On September 6th, National Read a Book Day is celebrated in many countries. The celebration has its roots in Europe. The original intention was to promote reading for pleasure, but it has now evolved into a day that encourages people … Weiterlesen
Tandem – language exchanging app
The best way to learn a language is to practise it daily. But how if you don’t have a suitable language partner? I found «Tandem» and started to use this way to communicate. It could be beneficial, and I found … Weiterlesen
Cœur de pierre
Lire est une importante partie du processus d’apprendre une langue. Les livres avec une langue simple sont très utile. J’aime les livres, qui contiennent également des exercices et, par exemple, vérifient si vous l’avez bien compris. Il y a trois … Weiterlesen
Graded Readers – easy reading
Probably every language learner knows these books. I like them and read a lot of those graded books. I was fascinated by them until I reached a certain level. It was around the time I caught an upper B2 level … Weiterlesen