Schlagwort-Archive: Advent
4. Advent
The 4th Advent is the fourth and final Sunday before Christmas. It marks the conclusion of the Advent season and the imminent arrival of the Christmas celebration. Traditionally, the fourth candle on the Advent wreath is lit on this day. … Weiterlesen
3. Advent
The third Advent, known as Gaudete Sunday, is the third Sunday before Christmas. It emphasizes the anticipation of the upcoming celebration. In many traditions, this day represents joy and rejoicing, hence the name ‹Gaudete,› which means ‹Rejoice!› in Latin. A … Weiterlesen
2. Advent
Le deuxième dimanche de l’Avent symbolise souvent la préparation à l’arrivée du Christ et représente l’amour ou l’allumage de la ‹bougie de l’amour› sur la couronne de l’Avent. The second Advent often symbolizes the preparation for the arrival of Christ … Weiterlesen
1. Advent
The current form of Advent dates back to the 7th century when Pope Gregory specified the number of Sundays from six to four. The number four illustrates the four thousand years that, according to church history, people had to wait … Weiterlesen