Is Polyglott a business model? (Part 2)

The trendy word Polyglott has also brought resourceful business people onto the scene. Getting fluent in 30 days or the easy way to learn a language are only two types of headlines on YouTube or other social media channels. Quickly learning a language is so tempting that many newcomers will fall for it and quit again, demotivated. Of course, it can be possible to learn a new language quickly, but let’s be honest, who has time and the possibility to spend 8 to 10 hours learning a day for three months or more? Very few of us. However, some resourceful businessmen have found a lucrative way to make money using the term polyglott. Don’t be foolish; take care of who you send your money to. There is also a free way to start your language career. Later is enough time to invest your money exactly how you need it to get the required support.

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